Cassie Forrest could almost believe life at Kingdom Come Farm is perfect, with Adrian and her friends at her side and spring on the way. The spring thaw also means millions of defrosting zombies, however, and if the past year has taught her anything, it’s that life in this new world is highly imperfect.
When Safe Zones throughout the country begin to disappear and the zombies at the fences grow in number, Cassie clings to the hope that if she has the people she loves most, it will be all right. But the highly imperfect world makes only one guarantee—zombies never die, never stop and are never satiated.
Publisher: Self Published
Print Length: 353
Until the End of the World Series #2
This review can also be found on The Bookie Monster. For more great book reviews, visit their site!
I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars on TBM and Amazon.
And After picks up a few months from where Until the End of the World leaves off. Things seem to be going pretty smoothly for Cassie, Adrian, Nelly, and the rest. The Lexers are still a problem, but the winter months slowed them down quite a bit, allowing the survivors living in the Kingdom Come Safety Zone a small reprieve from the months of terror they had to face when the undead started to take over the world.
The relative sense of safety is short-lived, however, as the winter turns to spring and the zombies thaw. Cassie and the rest of the survivors are snapped out of their comfort zone in an instant as the story takes a surprising turn about a quarter of the way through. I do not want to give away what happens, but I will say there were two times when I cried reading And After and this was one of those times.
At times, the story becomes a little bogged down with dialogue and introspection, but just before those moments start to become too much, they are counterbalanced with horrifying zombie action. Fleming has the unique ability to describe scenes in such a way that I feel like I'm part of the story-- and there are some very intense moments!
Although the events that happen at the end of the book seem to be inevitable, I was still taken by surprise. I'm not going to explain what I mean by that. You'll just have to find out for yourself. What I will say is And After is a roller coaster ride of highs and lows and twists and turns when it comes to exciting moments and emotions.
I am happy that Sarah Lyons Fleming is working on the next book in the series. I will definitely be picking it up as soon as it's available.
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About the Author (in her own words)
I'm a Laura Ingalls devotee, wannabe prepper and lover of anything pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic--or anything in between. Add in lots of humor and some romance, and I'm in heaven.
Besides an unhealthy obsession with home-canned food and Bug Out Bag equipment, I love books and making artsy stuff. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, I now live in Oregon with my family and, in my opinion, not nearly enough supplies for the zombie apocalypse. But I'm working on it.
Sarah Lyons Fleming's website
I'm a Laura Ingalls devotee, wannabe prepper and lover of anything pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic--or anything in between. Add in lots of humor and some romance, and I'm in heaven.
Besides an unhealthy obsession with home-canned food and Bug Out Bag equipment, I love books and making artsy stuff. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, I now live in Oregon with my family and, in my opinion, not nearly enough supplies for the zombie apocalypse. But I'm working on it.
Sarah Lyons Fleming's website