
Tired of the war and his nomadic life, Slate follows the path to Sanctuary, even while doubting its existence. Along a journey filled with hordes of zombies, Slate and his companions face new enemies and find themselves pursued by the final weapon of the vanquished necros. Is sanctuary even possible on a dead Earth? And if so, is the cost more than Jubal Slate is willing to pay?
Even after alien invasion and zombie armies, Slate will discover that the worst horrors are home grown.
Publisher: Permuted Press, March 17, 2013
Print Length: 252 pages
Series: Dead Earth (Book 3)
This review can also be found on The Bookie Monster. For more great book reviews visit their site!
I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars on TBM and Amazon.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinion of this book or the content of this review.
Dead Earth: Sanctuary is the third book in the Dead Earth series. It is also, without a doubt, my favorite. From the first page to the last, the story is packed with spine-tingling action and suspense. When it comes to overall creepiness, the authors nailed it!
The central characters in the series remain the same, but this book introduces us to some new ones. Some are good, some are bad, and some are really bad. As if the walking dead and cruel space aliens weren't scary enough, Sanctuary delves into a very real evil-- that which that can be found lurking in the hearts of the living.
Don't get me wrong; there are plenty of monsters in this installment of the Dead Earth series. The undead are still a major threat to Jubal and the other survivors, as is to be expected. There is a new threat, however, in the form of a mysterious predator who won't be satisfied until he has annihilated Jubal.
Much of Dead Earth: Sanctuary reminds me of Dean Koontz's earlier novels, which I consider to be a good thing. Mark Justice and David T. Wilbanks do a fine job balancing action with insight into human nature. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good, scary story. It is well-written and definitely does not disappoint.
There is nothing I didn't like about Dead Earth: Sanctuary. It is just that good.
Purchase Dead Earth: Sanctuary
About the Authors

Mark Justice is the author of Looking at the World with Broken Glass in My Eye, and co-author of Dead Earth: The Green Dawn and Dead Earth: The Vengeance Road, both with David T. Wilbanks. His short fiction has appeared in Damned Nation, In Laymon’s Terms, Legends of the Mountain State 1,2, 3 & 4. The Horror Library Vol. 2 & 3, The Avenger Chronicles, The Green Hornet Chronicles, Dark Discoveries and many other anthologies and magazines. He co-edited the holiday horror anthology Appalachian Winter Hauntings. The Dead Sheriff, a supernatural western prose and comics series, will debut from Evil Eye Books in 2011.
Justice also produces and hosts the popular genre podcast Pod of Horror. He lives in Kentucky with his wife and cats.