In San Diego a group of survivors struggle to survive and rebuild.
In Bemidji, Minnesota another group fights their way through ground zero, and then begins to fight back...with the help of a 12 year old boy.
In Atlanta the CDC has been virtually destroyed, but a female Doctor is determined to find the answers everyone is looking for.
As these groups come together to deal with the catastrophe, they have to find a way to prevent the next attack, which will mean the end of them all.
Publisher: Self Published (July 25, 2014)
Print Length: 310 pages
I obtained a copy of this book via Kindle Unlimited
I give Gone Feral 4 stars (I really like it)
Ted Nulty's Gone Feral is a unique take on zombies. First of all, I've never read a book in this genre where animals are infected and respond the same way people do to whatever agent turns them into cannibalistic beasts. I use the word "zombies" for lack of a better word, but his zombies aren't zombies in the traditional sense. They are scarier in many ways. I am not going to say why. I don't like spoilers.
The characters in Gone Feral are a lot of fun. They're the kind of people I'd like to be friends with... especially since they are so well-prepared for any sort of catastrophe. There are a lot of characters, so it's important to keep up with them, but it's worth it.
Ted Nulty seems to have a sense of humor, based on the dialogue and descriptions in the story. This makes the book even more fun to read. The humor comes across especially well with his main character, Mark.
My favorite character comes a little later in the story. He is a preteen feral killing machine (rhyme not intended there). Barry loses his whole family and ends up on his own for a while but becomes an unlikely hero. Mr. Nulty has just published his second book in the Gone Feral series called Barry's Walk. I'm looking forward to reading more about this character.
There is a very strong militaristic theme in Gone Feral, which I like. For me, the drawback in this case is the amount of military-style dialogue found in the book. It was difficult for me to follow certain scenes because I had no idea what the characters were talking about. For readers with a military background, I'm sure this won't be an issue at all. I do hope the dialogue is more mainstream in Barry's Walk.
I am also going to point out that there are quite a few punctuation errors and capitalization issues in the book. This doesn't affect the rating I gave the book. I point it out with the hope Mr. Nulty will fix these issues because it is a great book and it deserves to look as professionally "polished" as the story is.
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About the Author
Ted Nulty graduated from Coronado high school before attending Northern Arizona University on a "Seven year, drink beer" graduation program. Having never received a grade above a 'C' in English in high school, his life was changed when his first year English professor got him into creative writing and actually gave him an 'A'. After serving in the United States Marine Corps, he began a second career in Law Enforcement and then Private security. Having an entrepreneurial streak, Ted has invented several items and started several moderately successful businesses. A lifelong horror and zombie fan, he began writing Gone Feral in 2013. Discovering that the best cure for writers block is to have another book in the works to distract him. He began and completed his second book The Locker shortly thereafter.
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