Mace Marconi is a man haunted by his past. Operating as a bounty hunter in San Francisco, his life is slowly gaining meaning as he falls in love for the first time and becomes mentor to a lonely child. As things start to fall in place for him, a deadly toxin is released in the City's transit system, causing the dead to rise and rage against the living.
When a man with anger issues and a dark past is compelled to fight for the very existence of mankind, all hell is gonna break loose!
Publisher: J Ellington Ashton Press (February 10, 2012)
Print Length: 338 pages
I purchase this book from Amazon in Kindle format.
I give Mace of the Apocalypse 4 stars (4 stars= "I really like it")
As indicated by my star rating, I really like Dan William's first book in his Mace of the Apocalypse series. Most of the story takes place after a suicide bomber targets the transit system in San Francisco. The toxins released by the bomb cause people to turn into flesh eating, zombie-like creatures. The number of infected grows and soon, the world is overtaken.
I like the protagonists in the story. Mace is a man with a rough past. His girlfriend, Jade, is tough and smart. My favorite character is the priest who plays a pretty big role in the story. He is edgy and very likable. Some of the other survivors include a brother and sister and a single mom with a young daughter.
There are also some very bad people in the story. These characters are actually scarier than the monsters created by the blast of the bombs. There is an ample supply of drugs and alcohol, no law enforcement, and a seemingly endless supply of weapons. All this brings out the worst in certain groups of people.
The story starts with a bang and the action doesn't let up. I will definitely be reading to find out what happens next to Mace, Jade, and the rest of the survivors.
Purchase Mace of the Apocalypse on Amazon.
About the Author
Daniel J Williams grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. Some of his favorite activities as a kid included scaring the bejesus out of kids on Halloween, terrorizing neighbors playing doorbell-ditch, and excelling in the ultimate sport of Dodgeball. He somehow managed to score a business degree and wasted years toiling in the business world, writing technical sheets and marketing materials.
He finally realized what was missing in his life: Zombies! Spending several years working on his breakthrough novel, Mace of the Apocalypse, he then couldn't help himself and penned three more novels with the same characters in a continuation of the story.
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