In a few short days, 37 year old Emma Rossi’s hard work will finally pay off. She will don her cap and gown and graduate with a degree in nursing, but not before she loses her first patient and is confronted with a new reality. In Cape Coral, Florida, a storm approaches. The dead are coming back to life.
And they’re hungry.
Infection ravages the Eastern Seaboard with alarming speed while attempts to contain the spread of infection fail. Within days, a small pocket of panicked survivors are all that remain of civilization. Fighting to survive the zombie apocalypse alongside her husband Jake and their dog Daphne, Emma comes face-to-face with her worst nightmare.
Relying on snarky wit and sheer determination, she is forced to commit atrocious acts to protect her family and avoid joining the ranks of the undead.
Publisher: Permuted Press
Print Length: 198 pages
I purchased Time of Death: Induction from Amazon (Kindle Version)
I give this book 5 out of 5 Stars (5= I love it)
Shana Festa's debut novel Time of Death: Induction is a fun, fast read. I thoroughly enjoyed every page! The story's easy flow, plot, and intensity kept me engaged from the beginning to the end.
The characters are likable and highly believable. There are no superheroes in this story and no guarantee that the main characters will survive from one scene to the next. This makes for an exciting, emotionally rousing read.
There are plenty of humorous moments in the book, especially having to do with the main character, who is also the narrator of the story. The humor balances out the intensity of the story-line just enough to create a few chuckles in the midst of all the gore, death, and horror.
The zombies in the story are true zombies. Understandably, many authors are trying to make their zombies a little different for the sake of originality. This is the first book I've read in a while that doesn't stray from the traditional idea of a zombie. It's refreshing and made the story that much more fun for me.
I recommend Time of Death: Induction to all fans of zombie books, movies, or television shows. It's a fantastic book filled with all kinds of zombie goodness!
About the Author

Shana is a registered nurse with clinical experience in mental health, geriatrics, HIV and substance abuse. In addition to her clinical background, Shana possesses over 15 years of experience with project management and data analytics.
Under her alter ego, The Bookie Monster, Shana reviews horror and paranormal books, with an emphasis on (but not limited to) zombie fiction. With a background in Psych Nursing, Shay brings her unique perspective to the literary community.
Shana loves hearing from readers. Visit her author website, www.shanafesta.com for more information on Shana and her writing. She can also be found on Twitter, @BookieMonsterSF, and Facebook, www.facebook.com/timeofdeath.book.